Should there be discomfort after a root canal procedure, and if so how long?

Should there be discomfort after a root canal procedure, and if so how long?


A root canal is a common dental procedure used to restore the health of a tooth. It is minimally invasive and recovery time is typically very short. However, experiences may vary based on a variety of factors. If you’re wondering how long a root canal will hurt after the procedure, here’s what you can expect. Learn more about root canal treatment and recovery in this general overview. 

What is a Root Canal? 

A root canal is actually a part of a tooth. The inner chamber that begins at the base of the crown and extends into the root is called the root canal. It contains dental pulp, soft tissue made up of blood vessels and nerves that help the tooth develop and stay healthy. 

What is Root Canal Treatment? 

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure used to restore the health of a tooth that is infected or damaged to the point of being severely at risk. During root canal treatment a small hole is made in the crown of the tooth that is used to access the dental pulp and remove it. The root canal is thoroughly cleaned out and disinfected, then filled with a replacement material that is resistant to infection. In many cases a crown will be placed over the tooth for protection. 

Average Recovery Time After Root Canal Treatment

Recovery times vary from one patient to another, but it is common to experience mild tenderness around the root canal site for 24-48 hours. This can typically be managed with over the counter pain medication. It can help to eat a soft diet for the first few days until any residual discomfort has subsided. You can also avoid chewing in the affected area for the first few days to a week. Expect to experience complete recovery within 2 weeks. 

What to Do if You Experience Ongoing Discomfort 

The ultimate goal of root canal treatment is to eliminate or prevent pain. When the dental pulp is removed during the procedure, the nerves are also removed, which eliminates any pain associated with an infection. 

If you experience ongoing discomfort or pain that persists for more than 2 weeks following your procedure, contact your dentist. This could indicate a postoperative infection or an incomplete root canal. Retreatment may be needed to provide relief. 


Root canal treatment should eliminate pain, not cause it. While it is common to experience a few days of discomfort following a root canal procedure, you should not experience lingering pain. Recovery should be relatively short and easy, comparable to a routine cavity filling. Most patients resume their normal daily activities immediately afterwards. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Root Canal Treatment 

How long will a tooth last after a root canal?

On average, a tooth will last about 10-15 years following a root canal. But with good oral hygiene and maintenance, the tooth can last for the rest of your life. 

What should I do if my tooth still hurts 2 weeks after a root canal?

Contact your dentist right away. The tooth may be sore due to infection or a crown that doesn’t fit properly, both of which need to be addressed as soon as possible. 

Contact Barkoff Dental 

If you’re in need of root canal treatment or you’re experiencing discomfort following a root canal procedure, Barkoff Dental can help. Call 516-921-1133 or contact us today to schedule an appointment.