Can Teeth Fall Out After Getting a Deep Cleaning?

Can Teeth Fall Out After Getting a Deep Cleaning?


If your dentist has recommended a deep cleaning of your teeth, it is normal to have concerns. A deep cleaning delves under the gums to clear plaque and calculus from the roots of your teeth as a defense against gum disease. It is slightly more invasive than a regular dental cleaning. 

Patients often ask if their teeth can fall out after getting a deep cleaning. The answer may surprise you. Learn more about deep teeth cleaning and what it entails. 

What is a Deep Cleaning of Your Teeth? 

A deep dental cleaning is similar to a regular cleaning, but it goes a little deeper. Dental tools are used to reach the roots of the teeth under the gums where plaque can build up and harden into calculus. The procedure involves two parts: 

  • Scaling. Scaling is the process of removing plaque and calculus with special dental tools. The gum tissue is gently moved away from the teeth slightly in order to access the roots. 
  • Root Planing. After the plaque and calculus has been removed, the roots are often rough and uneven. Root planing smooths the root surface to encourage firm reattachment of the gum tissue. 

Why Do I Need a Deep Cleaning? 

Your dentist may recommend a deep cleaning if you have gingivitis or periodontal (gum) disease. Gingivitis is early stage gum disease, which can still be treated before permanent damage occurs. Gum disease is an infection caused by plaque, a sticky film made up of food residue and bacteria that clings to the teeth. As the gums become irritated and inflamed, they pull away from the teeth, allowing plaque to slip under and build up on the roots, allowing the infection to worsen. A deep cleaning eliminates the source of the infection so that it can be controlled. 

Will I Lose Teeth After a Deep Cleaning? 

No, there is no evidence to support the idea that teeth fall out due to a deep dental cleaning. If you have teeth that are loose, it may be due to uncontrolled gum disease that has progressed to a later stage. Untreated gum disease can eventually cause teeth to fall out due to lack of support from the gums and jaw bone, but the deep cleaning procedure is not to blame. When deep cleaning is done in time, it can prevent tooth loss in many cases. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Deep Cleanings 

Do I need anesthesia for a deep cleaning?

Local anesthesia is often used for a deep cleaning to prevent you from feeling any discomfort. The gum tissue may already be irritated due to gingivitis or more advanced gum disease, so anesthesia can be helpful. 

How long does a deep cleaning take?

The time it takes to get a deep cleaning depends on the amount of plaque and calculus on the teeth. In some cases a deep cleaning may require multiple appointments to complete. 

Schedule a Deep Cleaning With Barkoff Dental 

Do you have red, sore, or bleeding gums? If so, you may need a deep dental cleaning to treat or prevent gum disease. Barkoff Dental provides periodontal procedures, including scaling and root planing, as a part of our comprehensive dental services. Call 516-921-1133 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.